Monday, May 11, 2009

Converting Files

If you want to use a design that somehow or other is not in your machine's format, you'll have to use format converting software.  That sounds a bit of a mouthful but it just means using a program like Embird to convert a design form one format to another so you can stitch it out.  There are different ways of converting desings.


Embroidery Software Programs.

Sometimes your embroidery software program like PE-Design, Bernina Artista, Husqvarna etc will enable you to import designs in a different format, and convert them to the one you need to use for that software.  The choice of supported formats you can import is often limited to the most common ones like PES and HUS.  Also you will only be able to convert, or save as, the format the embroidery software uses, and the choice


Embroidery Conversion Programs

There are different conversion programs available like BuzzTools and Embird which can convert to and from many different embroidery formats. 


Embird is the most commonly used, and extremely popular.  New users candownload a free 30 day trial, and use it to convert to and from different embroidery formats within this time frame. We have a complete range of Embird tutorialsavailable including a free guide on converting files here.  You can see a full list of the formats Embird can support here.


Reader/Writer Boxes.

Another alternative is to use a reader/writer box such as the Magic Box, Ultimate Box or Amazing Box that are available.  Basically these boxes allow you to load designs from a variety of sources (all popular brand embroidery cards, hard drive, floppy drive) and save them to a special re-writable memory card compatible in your machine format. The converted designs cannot be saved, however, and will be over-written next time you use the card.

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