Monday, May 11, 2009

Organizing Designs

Organizing Your Embroidery Designs

  • Before you even begin I would suggest that you open Windows Explorer  and creating some Folders in your hard drive to put your embroidery designs into.  It makes life a LOT easier if you have folders for each type of design you have.

  • We cover this topic of Explorer and Folders very extensively in Secrets of Taming Computers because understanding how to use Windows Explorer is one of the "secrets" of becoming computer-confident with Windows.

  • There are as many approaches to organizing your files as there are people on the Net, but here's what we recommend, and many people find it works well for them. Start off with a main folder called "Embroidery” within which you many sub-folders (a folder within a folder).  The folders inside Embroidery could be named flowers, childrens, alphabets, animals, etc etc. You can put as many Folders as you want inside your main Embroidery folder.

  • See example below - once this is organized you're ready to start downloading.  


  • We have a system of pre-organized folders that you can download.  It originally came Cindy at the Tashambra website, we have adjusted it a little and it is available from this link.  After you have downloaded this file, go to the folder you downloaded it to and double click on the file.  Use Browse to locate where you want the category folders to be and click on Unzip.  You will get a message saying that 0 files have been unzipped. That is OK because there are actually NO files , only empty folders.  They will be wherever you have downloaded them too, just take a peak and see.  
  • Note: we also have a tutorial CD which has a book and 7 videos on it called Downloading from the Net.  One of the videos on it is all about Organizing your Embroidery Designs.  Click here to find out more about it.

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