Sunday, March 8, 2009

Screen Printing Design Tips

Creating artwork for screen printing requires different techniques than creating artwork for offset printing. Here are some tips to help your job go smoothly and look its best.

  1. Use our templates. Designs that are incorrectly sized can be very difficult to correct.
  2. Be sure your artwork is of high enough resolution (300dpi minimum).
  3. Graphics and images should be supplied in EPS format.
  4. Use PMS colors wherever possible.
  5. Text should be no smaller than 6 point. Reversed text should be at least 8 point.
  6. Do NOT create text in Adobe® Photoshop®.
  7. Keep screened areas between 20-80%. Lower values will not be visible, higher values will fill in.
  8. If your artwork is not being printed over a while flood, there will be color variations compared to a proof on a white background.
  9. If your design includes printing inside of the mirror band, there will be a color variation compared to the printing on the metalized area of the disc.
  10. Screen printing is a relatively coarse output. Complex designs are possible, but the simpler designs tend to look better.

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